Open Disclosure of Contracts

Open Disclosure of Contracts

Labour consistently hid behind secrecy and confidentiality to avoid public scrutiny of government contracts. The law should be amended. Parliamentary scrutiny of all contracts must be assured and any contractual or statutory condition of secrecy or confidentiality in government contracts will be made null and void.



Nemmen li kull kuntratt iffirmat minn xi Ministru jew mill-Prim Ministru li jew (1) Ikollu partijiet minnu mghotti bil-linka sewda , jew (2) mhux ippubblikat: dawn il-kuntratti ghandhom ikunu dirkjarati nulli u illegali u b'dan il-Gvern ghandu jerga jinnegozja mill-gdid u jiffirma kuntratt iehor. Ovvjament nemmen li kull kuntratt iffirmat minn xi Ministru jew mill-Prim Ministru ghandu jkun pubblika minnufih.

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