Rights for Owners of Solar Panel

Rights for Owners of Solar Panel

Unfortunately, till today, we, owners of solar panels who reside in a 2 storey & washroom terraced houses/buildings have no rights which protect us from losing our investment. After a few number of years with the installed panels, owners are faced with injustice when any of their neighbours decide to rebuild their property to a 5 storey building. The high buildings limit the number of hours of sunshine reaching our panels especially in winter. Something must be done to protect our investment.


Something must be done to protect the owners, when nearby high buildings are built after investing in solar panels and obstructing them from sunshine, from doing the only thing that is possible, that is, dismantling the panels, saying bye, bye to the investment and start paying the entire electricity bill again!!! Which is total unfair!!!

Thanks for the increasing environment awareness, more and more households are investing their funds, helped by the EU incentive) in solar panels. Unfortunately, till today, we, owners of solar panels who reside in a 2 storey & washroom terraced houses/building have no rights which protect us from losing our investment. Investing in solar panels is a long-term investment. Then after a few number of years with the installed panels, on a one fine day, owners are faced with injustice when any of

As things are, the owner can do nothing to protect his investment. The only thing which the owner can do is dismantling the panels, saying bye, bye to the investment and start paying the entire electricity bill again!!! Which is total unfair!!!

their neighbours decide to rebuild their property to a 5 storey building. These high buildings are in conformity with the development schemes cause only village cores are protected from these high buildings. Unfortunately for us owners, the high buildings on our south-facing area limits the number of hours of sunshine reaching our panels on our roofs. In cases, these are limited to 2/3 hours in the morning only which are significant not enough especially during winter days!

I cannot afford to ruin what i invested to save energy.

Like all investments you should weigh the benefits against the risks. If you oversought the possibility of your neighbour building five storeys next to your investment than it is your fault not his. Especially if the building is within PA parameters. Seen from a different angle having five storeys on a plot of land is more environmental friendly. Besides most solar panels are an eyesore and it should be them that ought to be controlled better.

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