Family Fun Days Out!

Family Fun Days Out!

Providing local families in the Gorbals area with low cost days out during the holidays. If funded we aim to provide day trips away. Paying for transport, access to activities such as Museums, Heads of Ayr, Blair Drummond, Deep Sea World, Beach trips and more! Also packed lunches and refreshment keeping the cost as low as possible. Promotion will go through social media, posters and flyers. Parents will register there interest and each family will go on at least 1 trip. PLEASE VOTE



Good idea to get more young people in the community involved within a service which can provide them with once in a lifetime opportunities. It will also encourage young people to get to know others in the community and build their confidence as a result.

This is a great idea, giving families the opportunity to go on day trips, spend time together, meeting other friends & building connections in the community, If successful I would be interested in signing up for this.

Great idea, connecting families in the local area to be able to have the opportunity to do fun exciting activities without worrying about their financial circumstances for one day!

Great idea for families

Affordability for families in the gorbals area, fun with your family and not worrying about cost of a day out, meeting new friends in your local community, providing A service which is missing in the area for kids and parents

Great Idea, bringing the community together doing fun things without worrying about your financial situation. If success I would be very interested in this

Great idea, who doesn't love a day trip! It makes it even better that the community would all be going together, supporting each other and having a fun day out making memories!!

This would be a great opportunity for families to have some fun days away at a minimum cost. It would help bring together people who may feel isolated because they dont know anyone in the area and it could be educational as well as fun for the children. Its a win win situation. I hope the funding becomes available for this project.

Would be brilliant for families

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