...similar to Electrify 2515, which is a community-led pilot program that aims to help households in the 2515 postcode area (near Wollongong) transition to electric appliances. It offers subsidies and support to 500 households to upgrade to electric appliances to demonstrate what’s possible and build the case for supporting every Australian home to electrify. https://www.electrify2515.org
Lets think bigger. Not just households though. North Sydney ran a similar program and offered design services and grants to restaurants to redesign and install electric kitchens. Perhaps also nursing homes, schools etc could be considered. Induction cooking is safer, cooler, faster and more energy efficient (regardless of network renewables capacity).
electricity is not from renewable sources yet so switching appliances will have a marginal impact. Money should be spent on the switch to renewable energy at present.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation