Broaden rooftop solar coverage.

Broaden rooftop solar coverage.

Encourage wider use of commercial rooftops. Energy providers could lease commercial roof spaces in order to install solar panels, providing incentives to landlords through leasing rates, and benefits to the tenants of commercial properties by offering access to cheap solar power.


Energy production closest to its point of use is most efficient. In addition I suggest that governments offer free roof strength assessments (new dept that surveys like biosecurity dept), make links to rooftop leasing options/companies available to people, place penalties on those owners or businesses that don't comply, This would be great if it was tied into National building standards. This would improve the wellbeing of renters too. Should be extended to the governments own social housing

Perhaps in addition we could add that if the rooftop isnt suitable for solar due to shading, odd shapes, lack of good connection point or commercial returns etc, then they should instead do native plants and especially polinators. I think this might apply to terrace style shops that exist in our area. Heritage buildings possibly exempt though

Would need to solve duck curve problems by forcing or encouraging the privatised network operators to upgrade local networks to allow such high levels of rooftop installations. Lack of investment at this level by state based network operators has forced AEMO to introduce overarching powers in order to manage the grid better by turning off rooftop solar

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